The Electronic Library
Important Notice: Ebsco Host Database cannot be used outside the Academy Scope.
The Institute’s management is keen on:
Providing the library with sources of information contained in the latest publications which satisfy the needs of the Institute’s specializations and study programs.
Sources of information are organized, indexed and classified according to applicable rules of indexing.
Librarians are constantly present to give beneficiaries the required service and help them access the required piece of information and meet their academic needs.
It is possible to search for any book through the Institute’s website location of the library.
Location of the Library:
The library is located in front of the Institute’s main building.
Borrowing service:
All library customers namely, faculty members, students and staff are allowed to borrow books according to applicable policy.
Maintenance of the library holdings:
The borrower is completely responsible for the material in his possession. In cases of damage or loss, he has to pay amends according to the applicable policy.
Internet Services
The Institute provides Internet service for free to library users in order to conduct research work. The user may also keep or send results by email.
Service rendered to previous exams:
The library keeps models of previous years exams at the end of each semester and puts them at the disposal of students for review.
Rules of usage in the library:
- Eating, drinking beverages or smoking are prevented inside the library
- Visitors have to keep quiet all the time in the library
- Mobiles are to be made silent when entering the library
- It is absolutely forbidden to write, or mark on or tear away any material related to the library, in which case the offender must pay for the price of damaged items, in addition to a financial fine.
- Responsibility for the knowledge of the library rules and laws resides with the user since he can get them from the librarian, in case he has not yet known them.
- All library users have to show good manners when dealing with library staff.
- If any library user was found to move or tear out part of a book or equipment in the library without permission by the library staff, the latter will take the proper action according to the Institute’s systems.
- All users of the library have to leave the place ten minutes prior to the closing time.
- Library staff are entitled to register the user’s identity card number and ask the user to leave the place in case of violating the library rules.
- Depending on the kind of offence done by the user, the penalty ranges between oral warning and referring the matter to the Institute’s Dean to take the necessary action according to the Institute’s disciplinary policy.